I hope all is well.

I just wanted to update you with my progress.

Firstly I cannot thank you enough for giving me the happy and comfortable feeling that I’m gaining control over my food addiction/obsession. Every day I’m amazed at just how much I’m changing and getting better at it all… Slow steps but they are actual changes not frustrated “for nows” and it’s really is do much easier than I thought it would be.

I’m currently 6 kilos down and very happy with it. Again, slowly and forever.

Iv also given your details out to quite a few friends/clients. I’m pretty sure Lisa Campbell is very keen for your help, she’ll prob contact you soon if she hasn’t already

And iv been doing the sleep talking on and off with my 4yo son too, not seen much change yet, but it can’t hurt to keep going with it.

Well thanks again, I’ll keep you posted with my weight loss, and let you know if I feel like a need another visit anytime soon.

Have a beautiful day.
